Thursday, October 18, 2012

HUMOR!! :) :)) :)))

People laughing all around the world on many subjects n topics . . . . Bursting into laughter on silly jokes and comments . . . . and having a sweet teasing laugh on friends n colleagues . . . Gf n Bf laughing on their romantic comedy accidents n fights . . . Families having lighter moments among their members . . . n even a shopkeeper throws joke to have a smile with his/her customer .
This is Humor. 
A small smile or a loud laugh can make a person to forget his tensions for a while n have a bite from the sweet life. Humor is surely a thing which adds excitement to life and evaporates the heartedness in one's heart for another. God has given us such a wonderful gift of humor to wipe the tears from one's eyes n lighten his heart with a crisped of magic onto his lips. 
                                      People find it embarrassing to laugh loudly in public or in any gathering. A happy moment does not come for u every day. It comes in very small shots in life and u must not miss them n wait 4 the next 2 come. Sorrow will overcome ur happiness in no time and then u will regret for tat lost smile. In one's life one can get a ship full of sorrows and even more . . . but one gets only a truckload of smiles n laughter which should not b wasted. Live every happy moment u get and b closer to life so that u can know the valve of it. Laugh at anything which seems funny 2 u . . .......Don’t care about anything or anybody . . . .No one was with u when u were sad  worried . . . alone n helpless. But don't laugh at someone's misery. . or u will get ur butt kicked. Real Hard.
                                    Take the opportunity to make people laugh n smile even if they laugh on u. U will lose nothing when they laugh at ur situations n accidents. Rather u will b more delighted to see them bursting into unstoppable laughter and that my friend will make u satisfied that u have made someone smile . . .. made someone able to enjoy life which he/she had forgotten to in their busy n boring life. . . made them feel that a smile can energies u more than any drug or bad habits. U can b the CHARLIE CHAPLIN of ur own life and make people tumble at their feet laughing n falling on the ground.

                                    Never forget to turn one's bad hour into an hour of immense pleasure just laughing at ur jokes n misfortunes. Spread the smile all around u and make it dangerously communicable than any disease in the society. LAUGH LOUD & MAKE OTHERS LAUGH LOUDER.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

jst a reflection of life...... :)

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.